GSRTC Employees Organise Dharna

Having demanded, since 2005, the encashment of the leave of workers, the employees of the Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC), Vadodara division, staged a dharna on 22 October 2008.


Over 1,000 employees, under the banner of INTUC, protested at the GSRTC head office, expressing their anger at the government`s anti labour policies. Since 2003, a tribunal case on leave encashment had been going on in Ahmedabad. Though the GSRTC management had agreed to encash the leave of retired employees, they refused to make the payment for the working employees.


The protestors said that the issue of encashment does not limit itself to the Vadodara division only but the GSRTC workers in other divisions are also equally victimised. The representatives of the union later submitted a memorandum to the GSRTC authorities, highlighting their plea.

Author Name: Labour File News Service
Title of the Article: GSRTC Employees Organise Dharna
Name of the Journal: Labour File
Volume & Issue: 6 , 5
Year of Publication: 2008
Month of Publication: July - October
Page numbers in Printed version: Labour File, Vol.6-No.4&5, Special Economic Zones: Their Impact on Labour (Struggle Notes - GSRTC Employees Organise Dharna - pp 66)
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