Rinju Rasaily is Programme Officer, Trade and Labour Rights, Centre for Education and Communication, New Delhi. Email: rinju@cec-india.org
(Rinju Rasaily)
The Manifesto adopted unanimously by the delegates to the foundation congress of the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) in 1920 states, “Workers of India! There is only one thing for you to do. You must realize your unity…. Let unity and brotherhood of man be your watchwords.” Also passed was a unanimous resolution that said, “Every mill, factory and workshop where women are employed should be provided with special accommodation where the women workers can keep their children during the working hours.” (AITUC 50 Years) In response to these calls, a number of women activists came forward to champion the cause of the working class throughout
There have been some outstanding women trade unionists of Bengal and
Santosh Kumari Devi
Santosh Kumari Devi, an ardent nationalist and supporter of the great swarajist leader, Desbandhu Chittaranjan Das, started working among the jute mill workers of the Gouripur Naihati region in the industrial suburbs of greater
What is remarkable is that she told the workers in every meeting, in every area and in all her writings in her journal Sramik Patrika that they should unite, form unions and stand on their own feet. She first formed the Gouripur Jute Mill Workers` Association and then the Bengal Jute Workers` Association, and led a number of successful strikes. As a result of these strikes, Gouripur was declared to have the best working conditions and the highest scale of wages. (V.B. Karnik, Strikes in
In an interview she said, “We set up night schools and even health centres for working men, women and children. Unfortunately, the national leaders of that time gave little or no thought for the toiling masses.”
In Sramik Patrika she wrote, “If we want to liberate the oppressed peasants and workers, then many of the laws of the present society have to be destroyed and shall have to be fundamentally restructured according to new ideals.” (22 February 1925)
She repeatedly noted that she was not a communist, but was grateful for the splendid cooperation that she received from early communist trade unionists such as Kalidas Bhattacharya, Kali Sen and Bankim Mukherjee. She was completely non-sectarian.
When she spoke about the workers, the exploitation that they suffer and their struggles, she seemed to go back more than 50 years and her whole being seemed to light up. She was for the moment no longer a frail old woman but `Mairam` of thousands of workers of that period.
Dr. Prabhabati Das Gupta
Scavengers and sweepers throughout
On 5 March of the same year, 8,000 scavengers went on strike in
Begum Sakina
A decade later, a militant strike of the scavengers of Calcutta Corporation was led by a highly educated Muslim lady, Begum Sakina Faruk Sultana Moazeda. She is, unfortunately, one of our forgotten people, even among the historians of the working class movement. And yet, there was a time in 1939-40 when her name was magic to thousands of scavengers working in Calcutta Corporation.
On 26 March 1940, nearly 18,000 workers went on strike for seven days. Their main demand was to be granted a dearness allowance. It was during this strike, by dint of her tireless activities, that Begum Sakina became the unchallenged leader of the
Sudha Roy
A somewhat different outstanding woman labour activist of the 1930s and `40s was Sudha Roy. She was a school teacher in
The Condition of Women Workers in the Jute Mills of
The general strike of the jute textile workers in 1929 in
What were the conditions of work which the strike opposed? In 1925, Thomas Johnston (British MP) and John Sime (Secretary of Dundee Union of Jute and Flax Workers) inquired into the condition of the jute workers of
After 20 years, in 1943, K.P. Chattopadhyay, Professor of Anthropology,
In 1979, Sisir Mitra, labour historian and activist, carried out a survey of a big jute mill in
Currently, there are very few women employed in jute mills and almost all who are, are casual workers. The late Kamalapati Roy, General Secretary of the