Around 12 lakh central government and semi-government employees, and 8 million state government employees, went on a massive nationwide strike on 30 October 2007 demanding the scrapping of the anti-employee New Pension Scheme. The strike, in which even teachers from the primary to the university level participated, also demanded the implementation of the 12 Point Charter of Demands, which included interim relief to the central employees and the granting of the right to strike.
The controversial New Pension Scheme, originally mooted by the NDA government, was carried forward by the UPA government. Earlier, due to the stiff resistance of a few members of Parliament, the Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority Bill (PFRDA Bill) and its subsequent Ordinance lapsed. Later, on 22 January 2007, the Bill was stoutly opposed in the Conference of Chief Ministers and state Finance Ministers called by the Prime Minister. In spite of the resistance, the government decided to go ahead with the implementation of the Scheme.
The Scheme stipulates ending the existing Pension Scheme of employees, their G.P. Fund, Gratuity and family pension benefits, instead imposing a cut of 10 per cent of their pay and DA every month to be handed over to private companies (both indigenous and foreign) to invest in the stock market. “It is nothing but an imperialist conspiracy to boost up the profits and greed of the finance capital, the speculators and the financial sharks at the expense of the common employees` age-old benefit,” said Sukumol Sen, General Secretary of All India State Government Employees` Federation.
The decision to undertake this countrywide strike was taken at a national convention of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers and All India State Government Employees Federation held at
According to the protesting workers, the nationwide strike is another warning to the central and state governments to desist from implementing this notorious anti-employee scheme. The protestors have warned the government that if it has not understood the meaning implied from this strike action, it should be prepared for more severe actions of resistance, including the indefinite stopping of work.
According to the protestors, the strike was complete in almost all the states. Ignoring the Haryana government`s declaration of the strike as illegitimate and threat of action against the workers, the strike was total, with even the roadways employees participating in it. The strike assumed the form of a general strike because of spontaneous participation throughout the country.
Charter of Demands
"On the eve of the nationwide strike, the central government issued a circular threatening the employees with drastic vindictive measures, including pay-cuts and dismissal from service to suppress the strike,” says Sukumol Sen. “But the employees ignored the threat of the repressive circular and boldly participated in the strike,” he says. The Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions extended full support to the strike, including CITU and the organisations of the Banks and Insurance. In some states, such as Kerala, Tripura and
“We hope the government will learn adequate lessons from the tremendous response of the strike and retract their ill-conceived step of implementing the imperialist conspiracies of which the New Pension Scheme is an integral part,” said Sukumol Sen.