On 15 March 1948, India enacted the Minimum Wages Act 1948 in order to provide for fixing the minimum rate of wages in certain employments. The need for such an Act was clearly felt. “The justification for statutory fixation of minimum wages is obvious. Such provisions, which exist in more advanced countries, are even more necessary in India, where workers` organisations are yet poorly developed and workers` bargaining power is consequently poor.”
But in
For ensuring the smooth imple-mentation of the Act, labour department officials conducted 2,78,336 inspections in Bihar and 1,15,428 inspections in
The ministry is still waiting to get the details of enforcement of the Act from 20 states. According to the statistics available, Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest minimum wages, fixed at Rs 55 per day for unskilled workers and Rs 65 for the skilled.
“Minimum wages shall have the force of law and shall not be subject to abatement, and failure to apply them shall make the person or persons concerned liable to appropriate penal or other sanctions,” states the ILO Convention 131—Minimum Wage Fixing Convention 1970.